
Free PD: Twitter Takeaways from #CSCTFL15

Published by Laura Sexton on

‘Tis the season for awesome regional conferences! As if we didn’t learn enough from tweets from #SWCOLT15 & #FLENJ15, #SCOLT15 &  #CLTA15 (even more Free PD from over the years available here), we wrap up this week with the Central States!

Perhaps it is disloyal to my local region, but one of my favorite Facebook feeds is absolutely CSCTFL‘s–they’ve got this social media thing DOWN! And who could ask for more than their Pinterest pins? They even pinned the presentations for all of us to share!
Follow CSCTFL’s board CSCTFL 2015 Presentations on Pinterest.

Now THAT is professional collegiality.

Since San Diego’s a bit further than my 2015-2016 travel dollar can stretch (stretching to another hemisphere and back in June is about all it can handle), I’m hoping to make it to Columbus next year. And who wouldn’t? Can you BELIEVE the awesome people you can run into at this conference? I mean, plenty of my #langchat idols and homies were at SWCOLT and SCOLT, but MAN check out some of the tweechers at this one! My inner selfie fiend is MAD with envy.

Good stuff on purpose, proficiency, and interculturality

#Langchat power tweeters bring us important ideas about literacy, culture beyond the 3 Fs and getting kids engaged!

You guys, I think CSCTFL may have saved the best for last, too.

Sara-Elizabeth Cottrell gets down to brass tacks on what novices need, early language learners need love–and great input–too, Mira Canion unleashes the power of purposeful vocabulary, we all take a look in the mirror to adjust our language focus, & Grant Boulanger’s fan club grows

I believe that’s it for this season! So what’s next?

#LANGCAMP of course!

Let’s learn together online this summer. Tweet some topics with the #langcamp hashtag and join our Google Community, and we’ll start scheduling Hangouts!