
What is TPaCK?

Published by SraSpanglish on

TPaCK: Three ingredients blend for masterful instruction.[image from Umpqua Dairy]

Pinnacle Personalized my Learning yesterday! I took a quiz built with a few Google Sheets formulas and Google Add-Ons (Copydown and AutoCrat), and it told me what I needed work on!

Apparently I needed work on understanding the TPaCK framework (I totally forgot it stood for Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge), so I was given a link to this TPaCK Blendspace that really cleared the concept up for me! Of course the Blendspace included assignments for me to demonstrate my comprehension: a “six-word story” with visual (above) and coming up with some lesson ideas for my content area.

Let me just say how RELIEVED I was that the world language TPaCK examples were based on ACTFL standards! So with that handy model, I went ahead and came up with something for each of the 5 “abilities” the example document broke down. Now the Blendspace assignment just called for the three TPaCK elements, but you know me: I had to add more.

Technology YouTube/SchoolTube, Pinterest
Pedagogy Learn a new exercise strategy from a Spanish Video
Content Watch a video (access and gather information)

I have a hard time seeing (ha, viewing/seeing) how or why viewing should be separate from listening, especially when novices pretty much have to have visual context to interpret, BUT how-to videos are an absolute must for self-improvement unit, and Pinterest and YouTube at least have a wealth of “mejor yo” videos!

Technology Wikipedia, Pinterest, Diigo
Pedagogy Find an article in Spanish related to your Genius Hour topic
Content Read an article e.g. encyclopedia or webpage (access and gather information)

My kiddos already use Pinterest and Diigo to research their Genius Hour projects, but this phrasing made me think about what they could do with Wikipedia! The structure is familiar to them, and they can use those familiar text features to break down what they need! Also, being able to search Wikipedia in two languages has proved a pretty useful skill for me too.

Technology Google Docs, VoiceThread, Adobe Voice, 30Hands
Pedagogy Follow along with a TPRS story and fill in the blanks with high-frequency vocabulary
Content Listen to a story (access and gather information)

Of course I’ve got Google Forms for storyasking previews, but what if they used Google Forms to do a quick review also? I could set up the story with images on VoiceThread, Adobe Voice, or 30Hands, which would have two advantages over just listening to me telling the story to the class:

  • building visual connections with chunks of contextualized vocabulary
  • allowing students to work at their own pace

This might work best after we have already filled in the blanks together in their interactive notebooks, especially with a varied form so students really have to listen. Listening was a big problem this year, so this could be extra practice as well as an extra quick diagnostic tool (especially if I get a hang of those Google Sheets formulas!)

Technology Skitch, Thinglink
Pedagogy Collect school supplies for donation and label (a photo) in Spanish what was included
Content Label objects (communicate information)

I’m thinking of switching the self-improvement unit to Spanish II and returning to the school supply drive unit, either with our Colombian amigos or new Peruvian connections. I mean, lists (i.e. shopping, inventory) are really more appropriate for Level 1, and it would be valuable to have the visual and emotional context of a freshly packed backpack ready to send off to South America–Skitch or Thinglink would be a nice way to show you know what you packed!

Technology VoiceThread, Adobe Voice, 30Hands
Pedagogy Choose a pop song for perfomance at the L-R Language Festival
Content Sing

This could be a way to marry the coro roulette reflection with some individual practice for the language festival. And if individuals each submit a line-by-line with visuals either on VoiceThread or an Adobe Voice or 30Hands video, then I can keep each kiddo accountable for pronunciation AND actually interpreting the lyrics.

Day 1 wrap-up 3-2-1:
3  TPaCK=Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge;
Google Forms can help automate Personalized Learning;
and you can use formulas with dollar sign anchors to do fancy things with Google Form response sheets
2 Copydown and AutoCrat!
1 What is the formula on the Personalized quiz to group our answer scores?


Laura Sexton is a passion-driven, project-based language educator in Gastonia, North Carolina. She loves sharing Ideas for integrating Project-Based Learning in the world language classroom, including example projects, lessons, assessment tips, driving questions, and reflection.