
Spanish 1 as Connections 101

“A thread is a clear connection between a main theme and every conversation that follows.” Matthew R. Kay, Not Light, but Fire. Chapter 3 set me off in a timely tangent, preparing for teaching in the time of Corona. What thread would tie my Spanish 1 courses together? What worthy theme would logically, and naturally, relate to whatever we learn–to the deeper purpose of even LEARNING a language? I brainstormed a list of about 11 questions that I thought could really matter, really connect the whole experience. But I came back to one and brainstormed some more…

Assessment assessment

Spanish I: Clothing Notes on clipart of different outfits Magazine collage of at least 20 words from list Voicethread commenting on famous músicos latinos’ outfits Random outfit interviews with flip cameras Scavenger hunt on Zara’s website Journal on outfits by weather Event invitations with clothing suggestions Interview/voicethread reflection Quiz (left) Read more…

Sweetening the Deal: Debate in Spanish

Chocolate increases target language usage. As do edgy topics and plenty of preparation beforehand. Before the debate, students completed a survey, ranking different situations that could be considered racist either “aceptable,” “cuestionable,” “maleducado,” “cruel,” or “peligroso.” Then they created their own definitions of racism, and shared them (in one class Read more…

2 do for Spanish 2

1. Increase target language interaction during Spanish 2 discussionsI need this to happen, in part because National Board certification demands it. According to my new National Board bible: A wisely-selected video segment will show your interaction with the students in the target language. It should not focus entirely on you but should Read more…

Ser AfroLatino

I don’t wish to presume with my next essential question (much harder to formulate than the last for Spanish 2), but I do want students to compare experiences and to develop a deeper sympathy for other cultures. In that spirit, I will be asking: ¿Qué es ser afrolatino? I intend to Read more…

Racism resources

Sure, Black History Month will be all but over by the time I start the unit, but I really think I’d like to address racism in Spanish-speaking countries next. Maybe pick 4 or 5 to compare to the U.S. to see who is the most racist. I have a few Read more…