
With which would you woo?

Image from Shakespeare & the Players Just in time for National Poetry Month, we come to Touchstone‘s fabulous catalectic trochaic tetrameter: If a hart do lack a hind,Let him seek out Rosalind.If the cat will after kind,So, be sure, will Rosalind.Winter garments must be lined,So must slender Rosalind.Sweetest nut hath Read more…

Back to my other babies

I don’t know how I survived midnight feedings without a smartphone and Twitter the first time. During my maternity leave, I have not been as connected to my students as I had envisioned (the Edmodo app was not as…convenient as Tweetdeck for one-handed midnight manipulation by phone), but I have spent plenty Read more…

Imperfect childhood

I’m trying to design a project that would foster a little introspection while reinforcing the imperfect tense and connecting a little to La llaman America. Almost halfway through the year, we’re on page 4 of the picture book,  where America’s behavior in her current setting in Chicago is contrasted with Read more…


The cameras are all here! The supplies are almost all sorted! If we can get a couple of bigger boxes, double-check inventory, and just get our hands on the memory cards, everything will be just about ready to ship to La Laja in Colombia! That means it is time to Read more…

Enrichment is a beautiful thing

We had set aside Fridays for remediation during school hours. We tried a few different ways, and students looked forward to Fridays–as do-nothing days. We handed out “invitation” tickets, let them sign up, signed them up ourselves, but still some wriggled away to the wrong sessions…or further. So last year, we Read more…

5 C’s + Service

Escuela de la Laja de Icononzo de Tolima I was going to have students pack backpacks full of school supplies to have a tangible demonstration of “classroom and school environment” (core curriculum essential standard for Novice Mid, Connection to Other Disciplines, 1.1– Use memorized words and phrases to exchange information about the Read more…

Non-perishable learning

She’s been speaking Spanish as long as she’s been able to speak, but she said she learned something worth remembering–and it stuck–when she had stuck was blindfolded and forced to touch different ingredients, guessing in Spanish what they were. So the cooking unit stays. But with modifications. I’m not sure Read more…

Sunny Spanish

When the rays of the sun are too powerful for classroom walls to withstand, sometimes, you just have to bask in the learning in nature. A couple of weeks ago, when springtime was playing a little peekaboo, I took note-taking outside (with the stipulation that someone carry my stool so Read more…