

Cooking by numbers

1 oven, stove, microwave, refrigerator, table in the kitchen the district office let us use 3 bags/boxes of utensils lent for cooking show purposes20 bags (give or take) of ingredients for both classes2 days for students to cook and record Read more…

What AM I?

lckillian…MrsH_English…Huerter0…SraH_Espanol…Sra. Spanglish I graduated with a BS and thought I was an English teacher. I got Spanish certification and became a Spanglish teacher. I moved and quit teaching English (job availability, you know). I got my first English I class Read more…

Interdisciplinary Idea

My principal tweets a lot…and sometimes it’s interesting.  Last night, for example, he linked to I have been looking for an excuse to become part of the health science projects at my school, interdisciplinary independent research projects that students typically Read more…