
#CampMusicuentos Takeaways

Between the #LangCamp book study of Keys to Planning for Learning and local curriculum redesign projects, this summer is about instructional overhaul for me. Thank goodness I had Camp Musicuentos to help make that overhaul worthwhile! The Musicuentos blog has been integral to my development as a language educator. Sara-Elizabeth Cottrell‘s insights have really Read more…

Personal Vocabulary Blogs

Vocabulary can make my students feel insecure. Though I have abandoned textbooks, I have not entirely abandoned vocabulary lists. I tend to present them more in semantic groups with visuals or in contextual situations now, however. My students kind of wish they had more, though, something they could refer to and refresh Read more…

“Secret Posts”

It’s true that I have over 200 blog post drafts that may never see the light of day. Some of them, well, they certainly reflect how far I’ve come. Some are actually pretty good ideas, though I haven’t gotten around to developing them. So I went back in time and Read more…