
Experiments This Week

Bilingual “Plátiza”Chalk talk = plática de tiza = plátiza “Chalk talks” are a classic method of instruction at my school.  I don’t know where they came from, and they are probably classic elsewhere too, but I believe I have taken it to a new level–a bilingual level.  Furthermore, it was the Read more…

What’s family for?

It has been said that a dysfunctional family is any family that has more than one person in it.  Though my school family this year has lost a couple of members due to fisticuffs (ironically, the sparring partners are happier than ever to be there–others didn’t have the stomach for Read more…

Cooking by numbers

1 oven, stove, microwave, refrigerator, table in the kitchen the district office let us use 3 bags/boxes of utensils lent for cooking show purposes20 bags (give or take) of ingredients for both classes2 days for students to cook and record themselves cooking for their cooking shows (180 minutes)18 students in Read more…