

It’s spring break, but before spring break, I decided to celebrate.  Spanish II finally wrapped up their Afrolatinos unit early last week, and Spanish I’s wikis are a little slow-going at the moment. Plus we had a measly 4 days in the week before spring break FINALLY got here. So Read more…

Sunny Spanish

When the rays of the sun are too powerful for classroom walls to withstand, sometimes, you just have to bask in the learning in nature. A couple of weeks ago, when springtime was playing a little peekaboo, I took note-taking outside (with the stipulation that someone carry my stool so Read more…

Nonstandardized Skill

OK, they’re all still pretty shaky on conjugation, but the kids that unabashedly belted out Mexican jokes in Spanish class a month ago now identified the line between jokes and racism, citing an interview by an Afromexican pop star, saying that pointing out race does nothing, but connecting race to Read more…

One lab, every language

What if “Language Lab” was a place where students learned any language they wanted? They could go to this Language Lab take online language classes, but could get practical advice–applicable in a variety of languages–from an experienced language instructor. Said language instructor might not even speak all of the languages Read more…

The world is not enough

Time in class is not enough.Extra classes are not enough.Edmodo updates straight to their phones are not enough. Exciting topics are not enough.Contextual activities are not enough.Steady input is not enough. These kids just won’t do their work.Or they won’t turn it in.Hard to tell which sometimes. So what do Read more…

Teacher Meme Revisited

I am a good teacher because I always experiment and have learned to adapt to my students’ needs and caprices. If I weren’t a teacher I would be a translator, or perhaps an editor. I suspect it would be easier to find translator work, though. My teaching style is different, Read more…