
4 CI Strategies from CI Liftoff

I don’t think anyone would call me a TPRS teacher, though I’ve certainly dabbled in comprehensible input for years, and I will gladly sip some CI Kool-Aid when offered a fresh serving, whether through organized national conferences or a workshop conveniently passing through my home state. I recently got the Read more…

Flags by Wikipedia

Cultural analysis was officially part of my portfolio scores last semester, primarily for mathematical purposes (it gave me a fifth category for quicker calculation), but it also challenged me to select texts where students can identify specific cultural products, practices, and perspectives. Our plan was to bring home some more Read more…

Grades Are Not the Devil

I teach language: high school English and lower level Spanish. Communication is my business. And grades are communication. It is my goal to help students understand and be understood, but for that to happen, they have to understand me, right? They have to understand my expectations. It’s the very driving Read more…