
PBLL Web-shops

Aside from the in-home convenience and the plethora of topics we got to explore in our 10 hours together, here are a few other things I LOVED about finally setting up a PBLL workshop webinar…

Google Slides Listening Captions

At first, I figured I should pick out some screencaps and have the young ones match captions I translated from the audio to them. Then I got to thinking, “Well, heck, they’ll just read ’em and match ’em.” So THEN I took ANOTHER video and made Spanish captions to go with those screencaps. I was still undecided, so I experimented on my patient and enthusiastic first period guinea pigs with both and ended up with this

Low-Prep PBL Inquiry with Infographs

Fortunately, I had done some resource gathering for the inquiry phase of the project to equip a local business with children’s menu placemats back in Hawaii. UNfortunately, I hadn’t really fleshed out what I was going to do WITH those resources as of about 5AM Wednesday morning. So here’s the plan I threw together

Why I Quit PBL Projects

I have had to redefine how I see myself on SO many levels: as a blogger, a teacher, a professional, and a person. A lot–a LOT–of things that I thought were fundamental to my teaching and my identity simply had to be abandoned.