

Google Slides Listening Captions

At first, I figured I should pick out some screencaps and have the young ones match captions I translated from the audio to them. Then I got to thinking, “Well, heck, they’ll just read ’em and match ’em.” So THEN I took ANOTHER video and made Spanish captions to go with those screencaps. I was still undecided, so I experimented on my patient and enthusiastic first period guinea pigs with both and ended up with this

Low-Prep PBL Inquiry with Infographs

Fortunately, I had done some resource gathering for the inquiry phase of the project to equip a local business with children’s menu placemats back in Hawaii. UNfortunately, I hadn’t really fleshed out what I was going to do WITH those resources as of about 5AM Wednesday morning. So here’s the plan I threw together

Right at Home

ALL of my old standbys failed me last year. HARD. For some reason, my promises to make Spanish learning possible, even easy, for the students didn’t seem to reassure or even REGISTER with this completely new set of students. Puedos Read more…

Language Lab Lessons

He had been looking forward to the French language lab at iFLT for months, poring over French for Dummies to keep out of trouble at school, quizzing the Google Home on phrases he could repeat before bed…but I was eager to see how a master handled his “enthusiasm”…