
10 More Facebook Pages for #Authres

Published by SraSpanglish on

How do you keep your Spanish up? I may have read a handful of TL novels since grad school, but most of my textual input is online, and mostly on Facebook. There are even some great ideas in some of the posts for my kiddos from time to time!

I posted 15 Facebook pages a while back–most of which are still functional–and still providing me with input and ideas. But I have also found some new loves! So here are 10 MORE Facebook pages to find some authentic resources (AKA #authres).

1. TravieZOOs

I think like 90% of my @SraSpanglish Instagram stories come from this page. There are so many animal memes to play with digestible chunks of language–and share funny and/or inspiring messages with cute critters. Here’s one of my recent favorites:

2. AMO mi cultura mexicana

This one is INDISPENSABLE for introducing fascinating visuals and cultural topics from Mexico! There are great images to enjoy as well as article links that you could adapt for a variety of purposes and levels! (Goodness knows I’ve enjoyed the alebrije entries!)

3. ActitudFem

I am a sucker for some thoughtful, empowering representation. And there are so many articles ripe for intercultural analysis! So many familiar, yet oft under-examined practices and perspectives. Also a little fluff to appeal to girly girls once in a while.

4. El Pensamiento de Frida

OK, the pensamientos or occasionally *coughfrequentlycough* groseros, but there are also lots of fun, culturally relevant memes, some of which can work for ye olde interculturality too!

5. Supercurioso

This one’s a little Buzzfeed-like (which, of course, you can also find in Spanish). There are memes, cool photos, and then there are some fascinating articles on random high-interest topics, more for input than for culture. Although this linguistic subtlety was one I had just chalked up to regionalisms before this article!

6. Ecorevolución

Mostly pithy memes, occasionally alarming articles, always conscientious #authres

7. Cocina Delirante

Just the right mix of culture and health news! Some very regional cooking tips and some international health trends and just some cool food-related tidbits!

8. Publimetro México

Some good ol’ first-hand insights into a lot of city life in Mexico, but also a little authentic Mexican celeb gossip now and then!


My “Plan Verde” project may not have taken off, but this university based environmental page out of Mexico sure brings up some interesting topics for debate and awareness–with a healthy dose of interculturality once more!

10. La Viejona Agria

OK, there may only be a post like five times a year that you can use with your kiddos on this one. But darned if la viejona isn’t cathartic anyway. I’m always tickled to see the trademark pink and white words in my feed!

So what’s keeping your Spanish fresh in your feed? I’m thinking of putting some more travel-based pages together for the next FB feed update…


Laura Sexton is a passion-driven, project-based language educator in Gastonia, North Carolina. She loves sharing Ideas for integrating Project-Based Learning in the world language classroom, including example projects, lessons, assessment tips, driving questions, and reflection.