
Spanish Syllabi “infographs”

Published by SraSpanglish on

I did finally finish the Spanish versions of the infograph syllabus, if you are interested. I have also uploaded them to their respective Google Sites pages, and sent out links to said pages on Edmodo (posting them also on the, frankly, obsolete “official” Schoolfusion sites, where appropriate)

So first, zee links:
Spanish 1 Homepage (+ Schoolfusion)
Spanish 2 Homepage / alternate version for class held on alternating days (+ Schoolfusion)
Spanish 3 Homepage (there was not already a Schoolfusion page…should I bother getting one added?)

And now, the overall effect of all 3 side-by-side:

Note the colorful 5 C’s theme!
Also, a caution: be sure you have your laptop charger if you do not make paper copies of your syllabus. It can be a tad inconvenient–and embarrassing–to run out of juice mid-syllabus. Fortunately, having made your syllabus so fancy, you will remember well what it contained. Unfortunately, it kind of defeats the purpose of making it so fancy. Of course, you have links. And, I mean, you know, all hypothetically.


Laura Sexton is a passion-driven, project-based language educator in Gastonia, North Carolina. She loves sharing Ideas for integrating Project-Based Learning in the world language classroom, including example projects, lessons, assessment tips, driving questions, and reflection.