
Power start: a good lesson off the top of my head

Published by SraSpanglish on

We started with “Poder corrumpe; poder absoluto corrumpe absolutamente.” I took a quick poll of some of the quieter members of class about whether power corrupts saying “¿poder corrumpe?” or “¿cierto o falso?” or “si o no?” and following up with “¿todas personas?” or “¿A veces? ¿Depende?” That way they at least had to get some kind of idea what the topic was, with repetition and rephrasing–not English!

So then I had students write a journal: Cuando yo tenía poder, so students can not ONLY practicing the past tense, but ALSO making a personal connection with the subject to lead into dictators.

And THEN, I gave each a copy of this:

 I had them summarize what infografía was in 2 sentences in Spanish—an attempt at incorporating the story re-telling recommended by ye olde #langchat PLN, using an authentic text with context and everything!

And THEN? They wrote a number on post-its to answer “¿Cuántos dictadores hay en el mundo hispanohablante? (200 años)”

I had been considering a plátiza or giving them the actual infographic assignment today, but flying by the seat of my pants seemed to work a lot better.


Laura Sexton is a passion-driven, project-based language educator in Gastonia, North Carolina. She loves sharing Ideas for integrating Project-Based Learning in the world language classroom, including example projects, lessons, assessment tips, driving questions, and reflection.